One of the many nice parts of this job is when I get to catch up with couples whose wedding I previously photographed. This happens fairly frequently at other weddings when they are now there as guests (and clearly enjoying having all the fun in the background rather than being front and centre all day again), but I also have a few couples each year who get back in touch to arrange for a follow-up photoshoot. It’s honestly such a nice thing to do, and of course very flattering for me that people liked their wedding photos so much that they want to come back for more.
If it’s been a few years since I last saw them they may well be coming along with a new addition or two to the family. When I caught up with Gemma & Matthew it was to mark their first anniversary – they were passing by on a celebratory break and took the opportunity to combine this with a portrait session back where they tied the knot – but it’s very apparent that they too will shortly be a family of three. Sweet! So a combined portrait and maternity shoot at Highcliffe Castle (with kind permission of Highcliffe for the use of their grounds – thank you Highcliffe!) – that will do very nicely. Of course with a very particular date, and a very tight window of opportunity, the weather had chosen to throw everything it could down in anticipation. But fortune favours the bold and Gemma & Matthew’s determination to press on regardless was rewarded with some gorgeous light and dry skies. And it stayed that way until a good ten minutes after the shoot had finished, at which point it promptly started hammering down again. Sometimes I guess the gods are just smiling on you.
Absolutely love Gemma’s dress and headband – really in keeping with the styling of their wedding – and if you look closely you may just spot a pair of personalised Doc Marten wedding shoes last seen twelve months previously…
I don’ tend to advertise them on my website but portrait sessions are always available, whether you’re an existing or past wedding couple or not, so if you fancy a little shoot somewhere in Hampshire – perhaps taking advantage of the riot of Autumn colour we’re just about to enjoy – do please drop me a line any time.